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First of all, before you start looking at the project I wanted to explain.
I chose to write my research in Hebrew and not in English because the research should mainly be accessible to those who work on the site (in the above case me).
And I live in Israel so there is no need for it to be in English.
The site itself, on the other hand, which is a site that can be marketed abroad, has a translation option from Hebrew and to Hebrew.

Of course, the language may change depending on the research conditions.

A Brief overview of the system

Designers/small businesses that can advertise and market their products on the site.

The existing products

fashion - everyday clothes, swimwear, evening clothes.
Beauty - care products, beauty products.
Blog - network influencers will upload blogs about the site's products.


Figma, Illustrator, Photoshop, Freepik.


Type of Research

I chose to use a type of research - user research.
I was looking for a type of research that is more personal, that I would really know what the client wants, what he expects to be on the site.


1. To give an option of uploading a face photo
so that we can match the shade to the skin color.
When sending the product, the customer will
receive a trial sample, if it fits, he will use it, if it
doesn't, a new one will be sent.
2. Give details on the product description:

garment - detailed measurements, type of fabric,
what the model is wearing, colors and more.
- Makeup, what is it made of, how many shades are there, does it give a tan/bright/fresh look
- The blog will be used by the customers for real and honest information and not sponsored by the business, the blog will have full freedom of expression, for better or for worse.
3. To have the option for everyone to give a review of the product he ordered after receipt, every review the customer leaves will earn him points that he can redeem whenever he wants.
4. To give an authentic experience to the customer, who will feel safe on the site as much as possible.
5. Discounts and promotions and benefits.


Empathy Map

In the empathy map we want to try to experience what our customers feel when they are involved with our product on a human level.
User empathy mapping brings us closer to our product, its design and construction, and our users by adding an emotional element to the user journey.

for example

מפת אפתיה2-05-02.png
מפת אפתיה2-05-03.png
מפת אפתיה2-05-01.png



The potential customer wants a site that they feel is trustworthy for them first, then selection.
As soon as the customer feels safe on the site, he will check the selection, these are the solutions the site offers for purchasing his products, clothes, make-up, etc.
After he feels the sense of security that the site gives, he will buy more, market and advertise it and thus the site will get more exposure and demand.


As a fashion and clothing designer, proper marketing of the products is profitable.
Therefore, exposure on a website that is accessible to everyone, man, woman of any age is a victory.
Accurate detailing of the measurements, the correct shade of makeup will give the designer exposure and credibility with the customers.


Network influencer/blogger

The advantage of a blog that shares the products that exist on the site gives extra credibility to the customer.
He receives constructive criticism, good or bad, on the existing products and thus he knows that he is buying on a good and reliable website

Site Map

Through the site map you can see a flow chart of how the site will look, what the hierarchy will be and of course the types of permissions if they exist.



UI kit


The color is significant for the message the site wants to convey.
I chose minimal colors for the simple reason, the product should get the focus and therefore the design of the website is terribly minimalistic and in colors that convey simplicity but luxury.
less is more.


You can see the color division I did.
Most of the site is black and white because again, the product does the colorful work, on the other hand what I want to jump to the customer's eye is marked in a more prominent color.

A/B testing





After deliberating and simulating the pages, option B was chosen


Types Of Buttons

I used the types of buttons that are understood and familiar to anyone who purchases on shopping sites.
In addition, some of the images have a hover mode in order to see the product as it is

I used programs such as:

Illustrator and Photoshop to edit the images and build a logo.


Final Product

I am very satisfied and stand behind what I built and created.
I think it is accessible to everyone, gives complete openness about the products and of course gives confidence to the customer to purchase on my site.


You are welcome to look for yourself

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