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לוגו לאפליקציה לחיות1-01.png

A furry friende

The best way for


First of all, before you start looking at the project I wanted to explain.
I chose to write my research in Hebrew and not in English because the research should mainly be accessible to those who work on the app (in this case - me).
And I live in Israel so there is no need for it to be in English.

The app itself, on the other hand, which is a app that can be marketed abroad, has a translation option from Hebrew and to Hebrew.

Of course, the language may change depending on the research conditions.

ברנדינג לוגו-03.png

A Brief overview of the system

An app whose entire purpose is to find a warm and
loving home for pets.
Adoption candidates go through a reliability

questionnaire (as much as possible) in order to rule
out people who will use the animals for other purposes.
The application is built in Tinder style in order to give
each animal its own stage, information about it, photos,
that way there is a more personal feeling between the
effort and the pet.


Figma, Illustrator, Photoshop, Freepik.


Type of Research

I chose to use a type of research - user research.
I was looking for a type of research that is more personal, that I would really know what the client wants, what he expects to be on the site.

Research insights

1. Ensure that there will be an option to give
criticism and feedback on the application itself for
the purpose of marketing and improving the
information and knowledge about it.
2. Make sure it is easy for the user and for all ages.
3. An eye-catching design, something that will

make my target audience intrigued and enter the app.
4. Give her a platform on social networks for proper sharing and raising awareness of the importance of pet adoption.
5. Adapt an exact algorithm to the target audience that is looking to adopt to get the best answer.
6. Give as much correct and reliable information as possible about the pet and also about the person who chooses to adopt.


Ampathy Map

In the empathy map we want to try to experience what our customers feel when they are involved with our product on a human level.
User empathy mapping brings us closer to our product, its design and construction, and our users by adding an emotional element to the user journey.




Those who want to adopt

The potential adopter first of all wants to feel safe and reliable in an application that has someone to trust.
Knowing that everything he reads about the pet is true and reliable, as soon as he feels this reliability and security he will really use it for adoption purposes and even advertise it.

Those who are given up for adoption

Thanks to the app, searching for a home, an adoptive family is easier for them.
Everything is accessible, card is advertised there and there is no hidden information about the animal, so it is much easier to give it up for adoption.


Foster care

A foster family for pets is a family that takes it upon themselves to look after the pet until it is found a warm and loving family instead of remaining in a pen.
Sometimes due to congestion in the pens of foster families, this is the best solution to keep the pets without the need to use severe measures.

Site Map

Through the site map you can see a flow chart of how the application will look, what the hierarchy will be and of course the types of permissions if they exist.



Ui Kit

ui kit-02.png


The color is significant for the message the app wants to convey.
I chose colors that are pleasing to the eye, fun to look at, colors that give warmth, calm to make users feel safe in the application.
You can see the color division I did.
Most of the applique is light brown with light touches of dark blue.

A/B testing




ui kit-03.png


I chose a font that would convey modernity, readability, minimalistic and in a variety of thickness levels in order to adapt the font to every part of the application.
And that way there won't be a game of fonts, everything with a uniform and legible font, whether it's light , regular or bold

Types Of Buttons

I used the types of buttons familiar to anyone who uses apps - for example a dating app (hence the style that inspired me - Tinder).
And of course icons that are familiar to everyone, such as location, profile, home page, etc

ui kit-05.png

Types Of  logo's

To arrive at the right logo, I built several samples and of course the dominant colors of the app.

ui kit-01.png

Final Product

לתיק עבודות ברנדינג על האפליקציה לחיות-01.png

I am very satisfied and stand behind what I built and created.
I think this app can really do good for the animal adoption world.
To provide more answers to the needs of people who want to adopt, as well as those who are given up for adoption
To respond to dogs that sit in pens for a long time and instead of reaching extreme situations in pens, you can contact a foster family through the app and thus give a longer and warmer lifespan to everyone

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